Oral Comprehension with picture books.
Content provided by our partner - Chiltern Teaching School.
Oral Comprehension with picture books.
Content provided by our partner - Chiltern Teaching School.
Oral Comprehension with picture books.
Content provided by our partner - Chiltern Teaching School.
Oral Comprehension with picture books.
Content provided by our partner - Chiltern Teaching School.
Forge CPD Cloud
"Whole school or college approaches to mental health and wellbeing. Taking a coordinated and evidence-informed approach to mental health and wellbeing in schools and colleges leads to improved pupil and student emotional health and wellbeing. This can help with their learning."
June 2021 DFE
From September, RoSIS will facilitate a brand new Emotional Health and Wellbeing (EHWB) Hub, which is included in the core offer.
Headteachers and were asked to identify key areas in which they would like support and guidance. They are:
Pupil Wellbeing
Anti-Bullying & Relationship education
Healthy Schools (including physical activity and healthy eating)
Staff Wellbeing and support for Mental Health Leads
We are passionate about supporting the wellbeing of our senior leaders too and that will also be a strand which the newly formed EHWB HUB will address.
Led by Ann Foxley-Johnson and supported by colleagues from our associate workforce, there will be three HUB meetings termly throughout the school year. Agendas will be shared in advance so that schools can identify the best person to attend. At every meeting there will be high quality input from local experts, an opportunity for networking, sharing resources and the chance to share good practice.
All content will be available to access shortly after each meeting on the EHWB section of the FORGE CPD Platform.​
Personal Development - Webinar 1
September 2024
Ann led a webinar on the role of the Mental Health lead in schools, emphasising the importance of selecting the right person for the role and the need for evidence-based applications. Shireen, a mental health lead, shared her personal experience and the importance of addressing mental health needs in schools, while also discussing the application process for funding and the benefits of networking with other schools. The conversation ended with discussions on potential leadership roles in mental health and the development of a mental health support program that links art, creativity, and reading.​
The Anti-Bullying Company
Ann Foxley-Johnson was inspired to start The Anti-Bullying Company due to her deep commitment to creating safe and inclusive environments for young people. Her extensive experience as an educational consultant allowed her to witness the profound impact bullying can have on students. This firsthand experience, combined with her passion for education and well-being, motivated her to act.
She recognised the need for comprehensive anti-bullying education and support, which led her to establish The Anti-Bullying Company. Through this organisation, she educates, trains, and support schools and communities in their efforts to combat bullying and promote kindness and respect.
Ann Foxley-Johnson has achieved several notable successes through her work with The Anti-Bullying Company. Here are a few highlights:
1. Anti-Bullying Gold Standard Award: Ann has been instrumental in helping schools in Rotherham achieve the Anti-Bullying Gold Award.
2. Partnership with RoSIS: Through her partnership with the Rotherham School Improvement Service (RoSIS), Ann has provided comprehensive anti-bullying training, support, and education to numerous schools. This collaboration has significantly improved the anti-bullying efforts in the region1.
These achievements highlight Ann’s dedication and effectiveness in combating bullying and creating safer environments for young people.
You can find out about her work here
For all enquiries please ring : 01709 763907 or email Info@forgeCPD.com
Ellis House, Brampton Road, Wath Upon Dearne, Rotherham, S63 6BB
©2021 Forge CPD