Oral Comprehension with picture books.
Content provided by our partner - Chiltern Teaching School.
Oral Comprehension with picture books.
Content provided by our partner - Chiltern Teaching School.
Oral Comprehension with picture books.
Content provided by our partner - Chiltern Teaching School.
Oral Comprehension with picture books.
Content provided by our partner - Chiltern Teaching School.
Forge CPD Cloud
January 2022
March 2023
The Geographical Association
The Geographical Association (GA) is the leading subject association for teachers of geography. As a registered charity our mission is to ‘further geographical knowledge and understanding through education’.
The Association is a lively community of professional practice with over a century of innovation behind it and an unrivalled understanding of geography teaching.
The Royal Geographical Society
The Royal Geographical Society is the UK's learned society and professional body for geography, supporting geography and geographers across the world. The RGS-IBG is committed to promoting and reinforcing the relevance and benefits of geography in education through resources, CPD, fieldwork support, careers education and more. Find out more and join us as a School Member to access resources and support at www.rgs.org/schools
This resource is an example of decolonising the curriculum with a specific focus on West Africa. This means that both the resource writer and you, the reader, are questioning whose viewpoint the information is coming from. This teacher resource seeks to challenge the conventional wisdom that significant social and economic development only began in West Africa with the advent of European Empire colonialism in the nineteenth century.
West African empires
June 2023
This six-lesson unit on map skills is designed so that one lesson will be taught in each year group from years one through six. By the end of each unit, students will have covered and developed necessary skills. The earlier lessons can be used by older pupils too, to ensure they have the baseline knowledge necessary for more advanced map reading activities. The later lessons in the sequence can also be used by younger pupils to stretch the more able.
Guidance and support in developing high quality primary geography
June 2023
This module on ‘Developing Primary Geography' offers guidance and support for classroom practitioners, subject leaders and senior management in the development of high-quality primary geography. Each of the four modules linked to the full resource begin with some bulleted Q and As to help you find relevant sections easily and have links to useful supporting documents, templates and websites.
Map skills module
June 2023
The world is experiencing urban growth on an unprecedented scale. For the first time in human history, people living in towns and cities outnumber those in rural areas.
An entire new vocabulary – comprising words like megacity, metacity and megaregion – is needed to describe the enormous transformations underway, especially in the emerging economies of India and China. Africa is also predicted to experience an enormous fresh wave of urbanisation in coming decades.
Beyond Megacities
June 2023