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Available Online

Rotherham Public Health Briefing

with the Local Authority & Public Health

Starts 22 AprOnline

Available spots

Service Description

Rotherham Public Health briefings are an opportunity for schools and health colleagues to share updates, issues and discuss topics of relevance to both parties. The meetings will all take place online from 10:00 - 11:00 and be recorded for wider dissemination in schools and settings. They are scheduled as follows: • Tuesday, 8th October • Tuesday, 21st January • Tuesday, 22nd April • Tuesday, 17th June Headteacher meetings & briefings are open to all Rotherham schools and settings, regardless of subscription to RoSIS. The meetings & briefings will be designed in partnership with the Local Authority and are an opportunity to share information and challenges that all parties are facing. Primary Heads: • Friday, 18th October from 8:30 – 11:00 at Rockingham Professional Development Centre • Friday, 7th February from 8:30 – 11:00 at Rockingham Professional Development Centre • Friday, 6th June from 8:30 – 11:00 at Rockingham Professional Development Centre Local Authority briefings are new for 2024. These will follow a similar format to the meetings with Public Health colleagues and are an opportunity for schools and local authority colleagues to share updates, issues and discuss topics of relevance to both parties. The meetings will all take place online from 10:00 - 11:00 and be recorded for wider dissemination in schools and settings. They are scheduled as follows: • Friday, 13th September • Friday, 15th November • Friday, 17th January • Friday, 7th March • Friday, 25th April • Friday, 4th July.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

To cancel your place, please contact us ASAP. Charges for non-attendance without prior notification may apply, regardless of subscription status. Thank you.

Contact Details


Brampton Road, Wath upon Dearne, Rotherham, UK

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