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Governance - Headteacher Appraisal

Facilitated by Paul Carney & Andy Bull


Available spots

Service Description

All governing boards have a responsibility to hold their senior executive leader to account for the educational and financial performance of the school or trust. The appraisal process is an annual cycle whereby governing boards continuously monitor and evaluate the headteacher/CEO’s progress in achieving strategic priorities. This course aims to support those members of governing boards that will be involved in the appraisal of their headteacher/CEO. The course is structured around the RoSIS/NGA model appraisal policy and will consider any differences in how the model policy might be implemented in LA maintained schools and academy trusts. Participants will be introduced to the national framework of regulations, professional standards and guidance which supports the process of headteacher/CEO appraisal. The course will also provide guidance on the stages of the appraisal process, including the annual appraisal meeting, setting objectives, monitoring performance and making a pay recommendation.

Cancellation Policy

To cancel your place, please contact us ASAP. Charges for non-attendance without prior notification may apply, regardless of subscription status. Thank you.

Contact Details


Brampton Road, Wath upon Dearne, Rotherham, UK

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