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Climate Action Planning Day

Facilitated by Alex Wirth, on behalf of RoSIS

Starts 7 FebRockingham Professional Development Centre

Available spots

Service Description

With the DfE now expecting all schools to create a Climate Action Plan by the end of 2025, we are inviting school leaders and/or climate leads to a planning day at RPDC on Monday 20th January. In the morning, we will work together to write the plans - this session will include an input from schools who have created plans in line with the DfE guidance. Optional templates will be provided. Our aim is that by the end of the morning, your Climate Action Plan should be written - a good way to get this job ticked off! We'd recommend that at least one person attending should be in a position to commit to site management actions, e.g. installing LED lights - such as a member of the school leadership team. In the afternoon, we will be showcasing examples of rewilding / biodiversity work / environmental action that schools have put in place over the last year. This will be a good opportunity to pick up and share ideas for climate action work that you could take back to your own school. We would like part of this session to run as a marketplace and would love to invite volunteers to share your practice - please contact if you'd like to contribute. There is no cost for schools who are subscribing to the Core Offer to RoSIS. For others, a charge of £40 per person applies. Lunch is provided.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

To cancel your place, please contact us ASAP. Charges for non-attendance without prior notification may apply, regardless of subscription status. Thank you.

Contact Details

  • Professional Development Centre Rockingham, Roughwood Road, Rotherham, UK


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